Marc-Antoine Tschopp

 Marc-Antoine Tschopp (MAT) is a former McKinsey consultant, turned CEO, turned executive coach, turned consciousness booster for CEOs, and author of ELEVATING CEO CONSCIOUSNESS.

Marc-Antoine Tschopp

Throughout his four-decades-long career as a successful CEO, entrepreneur, psychologist, and energy médecine practitioner, MarcAntoine MAT Tschopp has guided hundreds of leaders in bringing abundance for all.
MAT realized that the success of any company depends on a small number of significant decisions made by the CEO. With this observation in mind, he developed a powerful 6-step framework on how to have the mindfulness to make that one decision right when it matters the most.
According to MAT, consciousness is the fundamental difference between a great leader and an average one. Great leaders operate from a level of conviction and decisiveness that comes from a heightened consciousness. The more we trust this perfection, the better decisions we make.
Thanks to his practical tools, you will navigate your storms with the right map and correct compass to fully manifest your true purpose and create lasting impact.

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